My busy calendar that keeps my days organized, love notes on recipe cards from Doug, long letters from my kids
February 19: 3 Gifts that were plan B
February 20: 3 Gifts at breakfast, lunch, supper
Coffee, yummy greek salad, sitting down with all my kids and talking about the day
February 21: 3 Gifts white
The snow on the ground that is melting, the walls of my house that are mudded and ready to paint, my washer and dryer... I love those appliances.
February 22: 3 Gifts that changed today
Fresh paint on the walls, new tires on the van, muffins made without wheat flour
February 23: A gift of tin, glass, wood
One of my favorite things at my in-law's house!
February 24: 3 Gifts before 11am
Hugs from my four year old, hot coffee and fresh blueberries in my breakfast